Approaching the Crib Goch ridge
was another planned attempt to go to Scotland and do some high
mountain routes but once again the weather looked naff up there so we
'set the controls to the heart of North Wales'.
3 intense climbing days my mate Jim requested we do something a
little less taxing, I didn't have a problem with that as I felt jaded
too. The theme for the week was to take advantage of the fantastic
dry weather and go for the high mountain routes so he suggested
Gambit route high on Clogwyn y Ddysgl.
all raved about it being a mega classic. ' Acres of exposure, superb
moves, great rock and a crux at the end. What more could you ask for'
that was left was to work it into a classic mountain day and of
course do it.
of the big advantages of climbing huts over other hostels is that
they are set up for walking/climbing enthusiasts and most have have a
library of ALL the local guides and maps so I perused and came up
with a itinerary that included 3 summits 4 scrambles. 2 classic rock
climbs and 'One of the finest easy mountain routes in the UK.'
route started out of the back door of the hut and we followed the
footpath into the hanging cwm below Cyrn Las where we struggled to
find the first scramble so I suggested we have a look at the crag
opposite as an alternative.
the time!!!!!!. We thought this gave a 90m grade 2 scramble on
immaculate rock.
this side of the cwm the line of our original scramble was was now
obvious so it was an easy contour round to its base. Graded 3 the
hard bit was in the first 20 feet after that it was a steady grade 1
that made an interesting route up to the second hanging cwm under
Clogwyn y Ddysgl.
is hallowed territory many regard the Parsons nose as the finest
scramble in Wales but today we ingnored it to do Gambit route.
Which finished on the ridge above Parsons nose and gives an amazing
scramble to the summit of Garnedd Ugain 1065m.
that was left now was to reverse Crib Goch 923m then descend via the
North Ridge home after doing 3 summits, 5 scrambles and 'One of the
finest easy mountain routes in the UK.'
Back at the hut I checked the guides and found our 1st inpromtu scramble was Conway Climb graded Diff.
Photo showing the line of Gambit Climb
The Grade 2scramble that turned out to be Conway Climb
Cyrn Las in the mist
Finishing the classic ridge